Ok, I know I'm so out of touch with the blogging world. I've been so busy with the holidays and getting ready to sell the house. Aghh, so please forgive me for being behind. Started the New Year off at home with some of my best pals. We played the Wii and had champagne at midnight. Of course Luke isn't home, he's still over seas defending our country. He's decided to become a recruiter so it's off to North Florida for us. We don't have an exact location yet, closer to the end of the month we should know. I'm just trying to enjoy my last few months in Va. Beach, and making the most of it. I've begun the de-clutterization and making the home back into a house so we can sell it. All my scrapbook stuff has been sealed and is going to be delivered to my parents for the time being. The movers aren't touching that or our TV...priceless items. I hope every one's New Year is off to a fantastic start! I'll try to do better with this blog thing.
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